Moore Dental Office


At Moore Dental Office, we strive to be as conservative as possible. It’s the responsible way to conduct dentistry. In the old days, it used to be “crown or filling” was the only restoration option from your family dentist. Now, with advancements in adhesion protocols and porcelain systems we can offer more conservative options like inlays and on-lays. In certain instances where we are replacing an existing crown or there is a lot of decay or damage to the tooth the best option might be a full coverage crown. Our crowns have NO METAL. Nothing replicates natural enamel and dentin better than porcelain. At Moore Dental Office, we do not do metal crowns for two big reasons. First, there is no way to replicate nature when there is metal underneath the porcelain. It completely changes the way the light reflects and refracts from the porcelain. Second, with the exception of titanium, the human body does not like to have metal within sensitive gum tissue.

Porcelain crowns can restore a single damaged tooth back to its original form and function. A dental crown is an exact porcelain replica of the natural tooth it is covering, where it preserves and protects the remaining shell of the tooth. The crown covers the entire visible surface of the tooth, leaving it strong and durable. These restorations, available in our office, are cemented onto the teeth, and are referred to as “fixed” dentistry rather than using a removable appliance or partial denture. The Moore Den has a team of highly trained and artistic cosmetic dentists, who are thrilled to give patients the smile they have always dreamed about with their cosmetic dentistry skills for porcelain crowns.

Age, grinding teeth, a misaligned bite, large fillings and tooth decay all cause teeth to wear, crack, or break, and result in the need for a crown. In other cases, crowns replace missing teeth or portions of the tooth. We also offer crowns that are anchored to the teeth on either side, with a “bridge” section spanning the space and connecting the 2 crowns


  • At the first appointment, one of our cosmetic dentists reshapes the tooth structure and repairs any defects to prepare it to receive the new crown.
  • The dentist makes an impression of the tooth that needs a crown.
  • The impression is sent to our in-house dental lab where the crown is made.
  • Patients usually leave the office with a specially fashioned crown that already looks a lot like the crown. This gives the dentist and patient a wonderful chance to talk about plans for the color and shape of the crown.
  • When the crown is ready, it is cemented to the tooth with special, long-lasting cement.


While tooth crowns have been around for many decades, a new generation of fine-grade porcelain gives today’s porcelain crowns the astonishing look of real teeth. Mimicking nature’s pearlescent glow and translucency, these crowns are difficult to distinguish next to their natural-born neighbors. Also, newer, stronger materials eliminate the need for metal under layers that cast an unsightly dark shadow under the gum line. The newer techniques in fashioning crowns also allow crowns to fit seamlessly into the bite.