Moore Dental Office


It can seem confusing at times when you are trying to determine which dental procedure is right for you. Maybe you lost a tooth or maybe you lost several, and you need to fully understand your long-term options. You may review a pamphlet you picked up, do a search on the internet or heard from a friend about the benefits of Mini-Implants. You probably have heard amazing things about Mini-Implants, but how do you know this procedure is right for you?

Schedule a consultation with a reputable dentist, Dr. Chris Moore has trained extensively and continues to look for ways to provide cutting-edge procedures to his patients in West Tennessee that would normally not be available except in big metropolitan areas.

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Even patients who may have been told they are not candidates for conventional implants can get excellent, high-performing results from Mini-Implants. For example, a patient who did not have sufficient bone thickness to accept a couple large implants to anchor a full plate can get a structurally superior-solution by distributing the load evenly among four to six Mini-Implants. Because only a small area is used to create the opening for the implant to be threaded into the bone even the very elderly or infirm patients can often benefit from this short and simple procedure.

The Mini-Implant procedure is relatively simple:  it is performed with local anesthetic, takes only one to two hours, is basically painless and the healing time is short. Any discomfort from the procedure usually passes within 48 hours and often there is little soreness at all. Most patients can go ahead and eat a couple hours after the surgery.

These aren’t just superficial advantages. Because the procedure is much less invasive and traumatic with much less disturbance to the bone and gum tissues than the procedure for standard implants, long healing times aren’t necessary and many complications can be avoided. In addition, people who aren’t good candidates for conventional implant surgery can have great results because minis don’t require so much tissue and bone to be cut away from the jaw.

So if you have been told you can’t enjoy the advantages of implants because the extensive surgery required is too risky, or because of issues like bone thickness or density or underlying complicating factors like diabetes, now you can have natural feeling and functioning teeth again with mini-implants.

The microsurgical approach eliminates or drastically reduces almost all of the obstacles, including cost and interruption of the patient’s normal life activities, formerly associated with the old conventional implants and allows more patients to benefit, including those previously told they were not a candidate for implants because of the complications of the old surgery.

Mini-implants can be used right away – you can go on with your life as if you had your own natural teeth right after the procedure. Conventional implants, on the other hand require cutting away the gums to expose the jawbone, then using a series of burrs to excavate a large hole in the bone into which the implant is placed. Over time, the bone grows into the implant, so it can handle the load. With traditional implants you have to wait several months, usually three to six, until the bone grows tight and fuses with the implant.

But Mini-Implants work in a different way. Because their diameter is smaller, the torque forces needed to install them under compression are tolerable to the surrounding bone, which may in turn be sturdier because very little bone has been removed compared with standard implants. Therefore, the lower portion of the threaded root-replacement part of the implant is designed to actually screw tight into the bone from the beginning and is secure and stable enough to put under load without causing pain or jeopardizing the long-term performance.

One of the greatest benefits to Mini-Implants is that they look and feel just like your natural teeth. We’ve already discussed how their kinder impact on gum tissues and bone make them available to people, including many elderly, who might not tolerate larger standard implants.

Another plus: the new, more advanced microsurgical protocols are much more affordable than the old conventional procedure. Since they are smaller and the procedure is quicker and less invasive with fewer chances for complications, mini implants are more cost effective. While the procedure does require time for planning, the actual time spent with the dentist to prepare you for the procedure, complete the procedure, and to monitor for and handle any complications is much less resulting in less cost to the patient.

As a result Mini-Implants generally cost ½ or even ¼ of the costs of standard implants. On average they are about the 1/3 of cost. At Moore Dental Office we want this to be affordable for our patients and offer financing options so that more individuals can benefit from this procedure.

Not only is the Mini-Implant significantly less expensive, it also does away with the costly, painful and time-consuming bone grafts that are often necessary with traditional implants.

Mini-Implants preserve oral health, including gum health and healthy bone better than other types of replacement teeth. For our patients wearing dentures knowing their teeth aren’t going to fall out when they are eating is invaluable.

When installed properly, mini dental implants have little to no disadvantages compared to the older conventional implants. As with any procedure, most disadvantages are the result of poor planning. Though some dentists may continue to promote larger, conventional implants and reserve the mini-implants for temporary fixes, any issues with mini-implants is almost always the result of poor understanding on the practitioner of the load distribution, bite pattern, or lateral forces. Mini-implants require just as much planning, expertise, attention to detail and precision as conventional implants. There are a few instances when mini-implants are not the appropriate choice for a patient with issues with bone density. We will evaluate that patient and if necessary recommend a standard implant.



Mini-Implants have all the advantages of implants in general, but as their name implies they are smaller and can be placed without complex flap surgery.


Mini-implants do not require surgery like dentures so the prosthetic tooth can be loaded within hours and the healing process is much faster. Healing time is reduced from months to days.


There is usually no need for additional costly bone graphs.


Less disturbance to bone and tissue means most patients need only over-the-counter pain medicine, if any, for a day or so after the procedure.


Typically the procedure can be completed in one visit and most patients can eat normally the same afternoon.


The typical cost of a Mini-Implant is usually less than half the cost of a traditional implant.